Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Publix In Store Coupons - Go get it on Thursday (1/16)

Ok so Publix has a new coupon book coming out on Thursday/Fridayish.

Our mission is to, as a team, match up these coupons with manufacturer coupons.  Help me figure out if there are any manufacturer coupons to go with these Publix coupons and comment below!

So far, I skimmed the list and see that they have Publix Cream of Wheat and Bird's Eye Vegetable coupons and I just got some coupons for these items in my newspaper coupons recently.  This means we can use one of each (one Publix and one Manufacter coupon on the same item).  This is called stacking; it's a beautiful double dip.  So, Publix and the manufacturer will help you pay for this item.  They are giving you money to help buy it.

This is why you want to get the same number of Sunday newspapers as publix coupon booklets.  So you can have the same number of coupons for each item.

Good Deal = Use one coupon (one store or manufacturer) and or on sale.
Great Deal = Use two coupons (one store and manufacturer) and or on sale.
Greatest Deal = Use two coupons on top of the item is already on sale.

I need to double check but I believe Cream of Wheat is going to be marked down from $3.99 to on sale for $2.99.  If this is correct, then I can use the Publix coupon for $1 off to make it $1.99 and $0.50 manufactuer coupon from the newspaper SmartSource 1/12 will double to $1 off to make it $0.99.  I'm pretty happy with the price Shut the door! This may be a trinity of savings so, I will be using 4 Publix coupons, and 4 newspaper coupons to stock up.  (mental note, if this is on sale... 99 cents cream of wheat screams to me that i need more manufacturers coupons!  Publix usually doesn't care how many coupon books you get)  (I NEED TO VERIFY THE EXACT NUMBERS ON THIS DEAL WHEN THE NEW PUBLIX SALE PAPER COMES OUT TOMORROW)

If anyone needs help finding manufacturers coupons online, PLEASE LET ME KNOW by commenting below.


$1/1 Blue Diamond Almonds Almond Breeze Almondmilk

$0.55/1 Chobani Greek Yogurt Plain or Vanilla 32 oz cup

$1/1 Vitalicious VitaPizza Pizza, 5.4 oz, VitaMuffin VitaTops 4ct, or Mini Fudge/Chocolate VitaCake, 8 ct

$1/2 Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal, Bars, Granola, or Frozen Items 7.1 to 16 oz

$1/2 Birds Eye Recipe Ready Frozen Vegetables 12 to 16 oz

$1/1 Zone Perfect All-Natural Nutrition Bars or Greek Yogurt 5 pk

$3/1 EAS Protein Powder 1.7 to 2 lb

$2/10 StarKist Tuna 2.6 to 3 oz

B1G1 Zephyrhill Natural Spring Water 12 pk .5 bottle or Deer Park Natural Spring Water 12 pk 16.9 oz

$1/1 Cream of Wheat Hot Cereal 11.4 to 28 oz

$1/1 Lactaid 100% Lactose Free Milk 64 oz

$0.55/1 Chobani Champions Greek Yogurt Tubes 8 pk 2.25 oz

Saving on Dieting, Vitamins, and Supplements... Oh My!

With the new year comes a slew of resolutions and marketers want to cash in on this wide-spread motivation.  Sales are seasonal and even rotate to come back around every few weeks.  So, if you missed and amazing deal, no sweat, it will come back just keep watching.  But back to the skinny, companies try to hook new customers with lots of promotions, sales, and what else but... COUPONS!!  If you aren't already collecting coupon inserts from the Sunday paper, please start.  There is money in there (think of coupons as free money) on stuff you want, need and a couple people have let me know they want and need vitamins.  You gals are in luck.  Vitamins are on sale, well pretty much everywhere.  Tis the season for getting our behinds in gear and stores and marketing teams know that.  Vitamins are buy one get one free at almost any drug store.  (seriously easy way to save) Target is running specials (seriously easy way to save) and Publix is offering coupons that can be used WITH manufacturers coupons (seriously easy way to save).  Using a store only coupon with a manufacturing coupon is called stacking.   This is a couponing art that will serve Publix shoppers especially well.  It isn't the simplest way to save but well worth the minimal effort.  With this blog I plan to make it seriously simple for all those souls courageous enough try couponing and willing to pay with coupons instead of money.

So, who is running vitamin sales right now.

Target - Nature Made Gummies are on sale.  You can use a printable Target coupon http://coupons.target.com AND a manufacturers coupons from Sunday 1/5 news paper.  If you don't have that newspaper insert, then check out http://www.coupons.com  to find the Nature Made coupons (they have a app for your phone too btw).   To print coupons.com, you do have to allow some tracker thing to be downloaded to your browser to keep track bc they only allow two prints of each coupon a day.

Publix - Publix coupons in the store can be used with manufacturers coupons.

Walgreens - Lots of Buy one get one frees.

CVS - Lots of buy one get one frees.

Rite-Aid - Lots of buy one get one frees.

**Check back later and I'll add more details to make this even more simple.**

Monday, January 13, 2014

Seriously Saving at Publix / Rethink Saving

My first couponing trip to Publix

The best thing about couponing at Publix is that if you want, you don't have to use coupons!  Yes you read right.  First off let me tell you how awesome I think Publix is.  Pretty much every employee is paid to smile and tell you hello.  They love to help, will give your kids cookies, coloring books, crayons AND will willingly take your groceries to your car for you!  So, how do you coupon at Publix without using coupons?  Well the goal is saving money on your shopping trips, using coupons or not.  So, with this in mind you can save 50% on over 40 items at Publix each week.  They have tons of BOGOs that change out every Wednesday or Thursday (yes midweek) depending on where you live.  By taking advantage of BOGOs you can easily save 50% on your grocery bill and that sounds pretty good if you ask me.  If you can manage to use coupons WITH these BOGO (Buy One Get One) free deals, you'll start to see some pretty mean savings.  You may even feel like you are legalling robbing the store.  

Now what about when what you want/need isn't on sale or a BOGO... Let's discuss shopping habits.  When I used to grocery shop, I would plan a couple recipes, make a list and go in the store and buy the items I had listed plus thought I would save money by buying additional things on sale.  Well I would end up spending more than what I intended and unpack my scrawny purchases wondering how I came home with so little and spent so much stinking money.

Then I started watching Extreme Couponers and Extreme Cheapskates and realized those people had the right idea but too fantastic in their implementation.  Uh ain't nobody got time for that.  From them however, I learned the lost art of stockpiling

Many, many moons ago, families would stockpile goods to last them for extended periods because travel was difficult and often they made their own food and grocery items.  Well now we have plenty of conveniences and are conditioned to buy things when we WANT them not when they are ON SALE.  Buying things when we want them costs so much more money.  Couponing and focusing on sales means you buy things that your family WILL USE, primarily when it is on a good sale and ideally when you have a coupon for it.  Example, if cook pasta twice a week and buy it when I WANT it, 3 out of the 4 weeks I will probably pay full price or buy store brands to save money.  However if I buy 4 boxes when they are on BOGO and try to use coupons with this sale to "stockpile" it, then I just saved a ton of money.  Think of it as paying it forward.     

So what do I stockpile... when it's on sale AND ideally when I have a matching coupon, I stockpile pasta, rice, canned beans/veggies/fruit, cereal, oatmeal, almond milk, honey, maple syrup, etc.  Early December spent less than $150 stocking up on these things focusing on sales and adding coupons where I could and these items have lasted me over three months.  Imagined if I bought these things weekly...   

Weekly I buy maybe two packs of meat (when I get a deep freezer I will start stocking meat), fresh fruits and veggies and a couple small items to pull from my stockpile to make spaghetti, chili, easy tacos, meat and two sides, etc.  Honestly, it makes things super easy because I always have the basics to make a quick meal and most of the time, I don't have the time to be creative in the kitchen anyway.  

Now what about coupons.... well now that I have changed my mindset about grocery shopping I use coupons to buy things when I don't need them.  Yes I buy things I don't need... at the time of purchase that is.  Couponing should make sense, if your family absolutely won't use it and its not going to be a super cheap donation item, that means it is not worth buying and will be taking up space where you could be saving money on things your family needs.  A key to successful couponing is deciphering things you will use and buying them ideally when they are on sale.  Buying things when you don't need them yet, will require storage and organization... think crazy people on TLC with stores in their basement/garage.

Couponingg will take time.  Be patient, start small.  Focus on sales, BOGOs.  I'll post cheap and free items and hopefully explain how to get them without making it complicated.  If you want to coupon, just start.  Make it a hobby and see what happens.  :)

DSD (DrugStore Deal) 25 cents Ajax @ Walgreens

Use the coupon in Walgreen's 1/12-1/18 sales paper and get Ajax for 25 cents!  (It's already on sale buy one get one so the coupon on top of it makes it super cheap.  Grab 4 for a $1!

Walgreens List of Sales (Week 1/12 - 1/18)

This is not a full list of all the sales and good deals at Walgreens, just some of my favorites for the week.  

Ajax  (25 cents) - Use the coupon in the Walgreens circular to make them 2 for $1.  Walgreens already has them on sale Buy one Get one Free.  This makes them $.50 for every 2 you purchase.  The limit is 4, but you can trick the system by going a couple times this week and just use the coupon without your rewards card to stock up.

Shea Moisture Products (Buy one get one 50% off) - This includes hair, skin and children's items.

Vitamins - Most are Buy one get one free

Scott Naturals Paper Towels - 6 Rolls for $4.99 (you will get 3000 electronic reward points stored on your Walgreens Reward Card which will give you $3 to spend later)

Kleenex Facial Tissue - 6 pack for $4.99 (you will get 3000 electronic reward points stored on your Walgreens Reward Card which will give you $3 to spend later)

Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue - 12 large rolls $4.99 (you will get 3000 electronic reward points which will give you $3 on your Walgreens Reward Card to spend later)

Estroven Mood and Memory Supplement - $10 (You will get a paper Register Reward for $10 off your next purchase)

Fit Smart Simply Slim Supplement - $10 (You will get a paper Register Reward for $10 off your next purchase)

Rescue Stress Relief Gum - $4.99 (You will get a paper Register Reward for $5 off your next 

Exergyxcentric Energy Pills - $8 (You will get a paper Register Reward for $8 off your next purchase)

DSD (DrugStore Deal) - Walgreens

Paid $5.48 for item on left, to get items on the right for $1.51.

First, I'll tell you how I did it in simple steps, and then go into detail into why it works so you can customize your own  deal.

What you will need:

  • Walgreens Reward Card -      (they give these out free at the register but actually keep it this time and link to your phone number if you don't have one already)
  • Walgreens Coupon -      It is in Walgreens current sale paper (week starting 1/12) for Ajax to make the Ajax 2 for $1 - it's yellowy-orange and on page 4 in my sale paper.  Get this in the store or from 1/12 newspapaer ads
  • Newspaper (Smart Source) Coupon -      Buy one get one free coupon for Windex Touch-up Cleaner (SmartSource from 1/12 Sunday Newspaper)
  • About $7

1.  Go through the store and find the Rescue Remedy Gum (in the sleep aid aisle for me), 4 containers of Ajax, 2 containers of Windex Touchup Cleaner, and 1 of cheapest item you can find in the store (i picked M&Ms which will be homework rewards for my kids).
2. (always use your rewards card) Ring up and pay $5 + tax ($5.48) for the Rescue Remedy Stress Relief Gum.  I can't wait to try this by the way lol.  You will get a $5 off your next purchase coupon with your receipt.
3. Ring up rest of the items.  Give two coupons  AND $5 Register Reward to cashier.
4. Pay.

This works because each week Walgreens offers items that if you buy them, then you will get the full amount back to spend in Walgreens as a paper coupon called a Register Reward. So, I bought the stress relieving gum.  I used this to pay for my next larger purchase.

Walgreens has Ajax on sale Buy one get one free.  They also have a $1 for 2 Ajax coupon in their current sale paper.  Using the coupon from THEIR sales ad, makes these items 25 cents each.  The limit is 4, but you could always go back later for more. ;)

This past Sunday's newspaper 1/12 has a coupon for Buy One Get One free Windex Touch up Cleaner.  Walgreens has the regular price as $3.99.

To use my register reward my purchase had to total the amount of the reward before tax.  Dangit I was 1 penny under $5!  So I bought some M&Ms.

First transaction was to get the Register Reward for $5.
The second transaction used two coupons, and the register reward.
Of course I used my Walgreens card too.

I hope this helps you start learning to make up your own drug store deals in Walgreens.

Let me know how this works for you by commenting below :)